Psychotherapy for individuals

Individual psychotherapy is a place of listening and supporting in which the therapist works to identify the issues that create discomfort and suffering, promoting thoughts and awareness in order to increase and improve the client’s well-being and quality of life.

You don’t necessarily have to be living a stressful and painful life to decide to turn to a psychotherapist, to learn more about yourself and increase awareness about your own character traits.

My goal as a psychotherapist is to help people achieve a more satisfying and comforting relationship with themselves and others, such as with partners, children, or colleagues. 

Why is starting individual therapy important?

Everybody goes through hard times in life, and facing or overcoming those times alone is not always possible.

In cases such as these, facing the issue with the help of a professional can be useful in taking the first step towards self-care.

My main areas of intervention are:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Eating disorders
  • Addictions
  • Coping with grief
  • Sentimental and relational difficulties

How does an individual session work?

Every session is one hour long.

I see the client every week, always on the same day and time, preferably.

At the end of each session, the client receives a tax deductible invoice, just as with any other health service.

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